January 15, 2009


Today, United Nations will be having a special emergency session in New York to discuss the Israeli invasion in Gaza. Hopefully, they can stop it immediately.

It is not true of Israel or people say that the war is against the terrorist, racism or religion. It is about the TERRITORY.

As we know many thousands of people died and injured at Palestin. Whole world are condemn the Zionist for their action against Palestinian.

History proved that the migration of Jews to Palestine after World War 1 and reached gigantic proportions after World War 2. They are homeless and being discriminate by the European when the Holocaust was used by the Nazi. So, they choose Palestine as their homeland.

Now the Jews not only invaded Palestine, they also denied the Palestinian rights as a landlord and they established their Israel state illegally. The Palestinian inhabited and built Palestine more than 1,000 years before the Jew established their state.

That's why Palestinians have their rights to defend themselves and their homeland from Israel or from the others. No one can argue it...

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